Category: Nutrition

porridge que comer después de entrenar
Nutrition Alen Korev

What to eat after training to recover sooner

The little details make the difference and following a proper diet right after training will help you achieve results more easily Maintaining a healthy diet adapted to training is as important as the exercise itself to achieve those goals that you have set for yourself. It is useless to follow a training routine if at […]

Nutrition Alen Korev

Living food in yoga

In this year’s edition of Global Yoga Congress in Barcelona the latest trends in the world of Yoga have been presented, of interest both to those people that are introduced in this discipline, as for the practitioners of intermediate or advanced level who want to perfect the practice. In addition to sharing experiences with teachers […]

Nutrition Alen Korev

Get ready for summer with DiR Nutrition

When summer approaches, a thousand and one strategies or miracle diets emerge to reduce the extra kilos in a very short time. These types of formulas are unhealthy and ineffective in the long run. Surely you have ever heard this phrase: “the summer body is built in winter.” Well, the key is to start changing […]

entrenamiento y nutrición para conseguir objetivos en el gimnasio
Nutrition Alen Korev

The secret to achieving your goal in the gym

Learn how training and eating are the ultimate formula to quickly achieve any goal Taking care of your health, being in shape and losing those “extra kilos” are the goals of the vast majority of people who go to a gym and, “if it can be in a matter of weeks, much better”, commented Albert […]

Nutrition Alen Korev

Effects of omega 3 on physical exercise

We have always heard that omega 3 is very beneficial for our health. Thanks to its multitude of properties, this fatty acid should be essential in the diet of any person, whether or not they are a practitioner of any sports discipline. Multitude of beneficial properties. Omega 3 is beneficial for our cardiovascular health. It […]