It is proven that caffeine can improve your performance, as long as you use the effective dose to avoid side effects Surely you have participated in countless sports events and have seen that there are many athletes who take supplements that contain caffeine. Those who try it often explain wonders. Is there so much? If […]
Author: Alen Korev
The little details make the difference and following a proper diet right after training will help you achieve results more easily Maintaining a healthy diet adapted to training is as important as the exercise itself to achieve those goals that you have set for yourself. It is useless to follow a training routine if at […]
Since triathlon is an endurance sport, nutrition is a determining factor of performance and nutritional intervention before, during and after training and competitions, collaborate with the prevention of injuries and the improvement of sports performance. During continuous exercise, the contribution of different fuels varies depending on the intensity and duration : the higher the intensity […]
Like all major sporting events, it requires the necessary sports and dietary planning to pass the test ‘without suffering’ more than it should. Introduction The marathon is an endurance test of 42.195km. The average duration of this event ranges from 3: 30-4 hours, I feel the time for the first positions of 2:08:00 for men […]
In this year’s edition of Global Yoga Congress in Barcelona the latest trends in the world of Yoga have been presented, of interest both to those people that are introduced in this discipline, as for the practitioners of intermediate or advanced level who want to perfect the practice. In addition to sharing experiences with teachers […]
September is the best time to incorporate effective changes in your diet that allow you to achieve the results you are looking for In September for many people it is the return to the routine, recovering the habits of a summer that surely has brought us great moments, a little trip and, there is no […]
We all know how important it is to maintain a good hydration state on a daily basis, but what about in the gym? Normally, when we talk about hydration in sports, we classify it as: hydration before, during and after training. Why? The reason is that the needs of our body are not the same […]
Sometimes we hear the word Carbohydrates (HC) or carbohydrates (they are practically the same) and it makes us want to run away 🏃🏽♀️🏃🏽… to that it does not reach us because it will most likely make us gain weight. !What a scare! Cruz cruz stay away from me … But are they really that bad? […]
When summer approaches, a thousand and one strategies or miracle diets emerge to reduce the extra kilos in a very short time. These types of formulas are unhealthy and ineffective in the long run. Surely you have ever heard this phrase: “the summer body is built in winter.” Well, the key is to start changing […]
Actually losing weight and reducing our fat percentage (defining) is easier than increasing or hypertrophying the muscles . It is often said that 20 weeks are needed to lose 5kg of fat and 100 weeks (2 years) are needed to achieve fat-free muscle mass. The fundamental equation is the one that dictates the caloric balance. […]